PPC Marketing Trends You Should Follow in 2018

If you are an internet entrepreneur or online advertiser, you must have heard of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing model. This is the online advertising model where advertisers get charged a fixed or variable rate when internet users click on their ads.  

Both advertisers and web publishers rely on PPC to make money online. It is also a veritable income source for search engines, such as Google. 

How to Make Money Online Using PPC in 2018 

To make good money in 2018, here are three PPC marketing campaigns you must model your business after: 

1. PPC Artificial Intelligence 

Online advertisers and web publishers are used to measuring the performance of ads via A/B testing. But this is going to change in 2018 since artificial intelligence testing is going to take over.  

Artificial intelligence is dependent on machine learning and much faster for PPC ad measurement among other uses. It can also recall the variations for each ad performance and optimize it for improvements.  

Google is already experimenting with machine learning and artificial intelligence across many fronts. It will employ these tools to drive ad campaigns for higher online revenue this year. 

2. Increase in Voice Search for Business Keywords 

For the last four years, consumer electronics manufacturers have employed artificial intelligence to execute voice commands in electronic appliances. This was largely used in home smart speakers and in automobiles.  

Google also deployed it for products such as Assistant, Siri and Bixby. And it was demonstrated in Amazon Echo. 

Millions of people search the internet by typing in their keyboards. This will change in 2018 with people choosing to simply speak the words to search for online information.  

With voice search, anyone will be able to search for internet content. Businesses will be able to key into this latest technology to drive traffic by optimizing voice keywords.  

Making sure the correct SEO keywords are in your PPC ads will improve your ranking here. 

3. Tapping into Google Shopping 

It is true that Google search results favor Google Shopping to the detriment of other business owners. But this will no longer be the case in 2018. 

Advertisers will have a fair competition at coming up in Google search results regardless of whether it is targeted at Shopping. This might prove to be a level playing ground for many advertisers across several niches. 

You stand a fair chance of making more money in 2018 by tweaking your online business to accommodate these PPC trends. SEO experts are poised to earn more in 2018 and PPC marketers should be willing to jump onto the bandwagon as well.  

Internet users rely on both PPC marketers and SEO experts to access everything they search for online. Here in San Antonio, Funnel Boost Media is the industry leader in PPC marketing campaigns. 

Contact the San Antonio PPC marketing experts at Funnel Boost Media about launching your PPC campaign today.  

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